The IAFL Introduction to European Family Law Conference took place at the Sol Beach House Hotel and Palacio de Congresos de Ibiza on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th October in Ibiza. The 1 1/2-day 'sold out' conference was open to all lawyers with an interest in European Family Law. It was not primarily designed for IAFL Fellows but rather individuals who practice in European Chapter jurisdictions and who wanted to get a bit more of a feel for the IAFL. Nearly 200 delegates registered from 33 different jurisdictions from Europe and beyond. The Education programme had 28 speakers from 22 jurisdictions.
Please find below links to the conference programme, papers and delegate lists.
Pocket Programme
The pocket programme provides a summary overview of the Ibiza Conference
Education Programme
Schedule of the Ibiza Education Programme which is also included within the Education Programme Materials Pack
Education Programme Materials
This includes the Education Programme Materials Pack and any supplementary documents received
Participation List
List of the participants who attended the IAFL Introduction to European Family Law Conference in Ibiza.
Restaurant Recommendations
Restaurant Suggestions from Sol Beach House