Contact Details
Warner Angle Hallam Jackson & Formanek PLC
2555 E. Camelback Road, Suite 800
- + 1 (602) 285-4510
- + 1 (602) 234-0419
- dhorowitz@warnerangle.com
- www.warnerangle.com
David has significant experience in all child-related issues, including step-parent adoption, grandparents’ rights, parenting coordination, same-sex parenting, mediation, arbitration, collaborative divorce, and guardianship/conservatorship. David is a respected mediator and arbitrator of family law disputes and serves as a judge pro tem for the Superior Court. David is a Certified Family Law Specialist (Arizona Board of Legal Specialization) and a Super Lawyers honoree. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, serves on the Academy’s board of governors, and co-chairs its Mediation Committee. He is the current chair of the State Bar of Arizona’s Board of Legal Specialization Family Law Advisory Commission and chair of the State Bar’s Family Law Executive Council. David teaches Family Law and Legal Studies at Phoenix College, and is sought after as a speaker on family law and diversity issues. He is also a Certified AAML mediator. He received his B.S.B.A. in Business Economics (1987) from the University of Arizona Eller College of Management and his J.D. (Summa Cum Laude) (1990) from the University of Arizona College of Law.
Languages Spoken: English
Practice Areas: Adoption, Arbitration, Child Custody/Residence/Visitation/Contact, Child Support, Cohabitation, Collaborative Law, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence/Protection Orders, Emergency Procedures/Injunctions, Enforcement: Child Custody, Enforcement: Property Division, Enforcement: Child Support, Enforcement: Spousal Support, Finance: Pensions/Superannuation/Retirement and Employment Benefits, Finance: Property Issues, Finance: Trusts, Mediation, Modification/Variation: Child Custody, Modification/Variation: Child Support, Modification/Variation: Property Division, Modification/Variation: Spousal Support, Parentage/Paternity, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Relocation/Removal from Jurisdiction, Same Sex Partnerships, Spousal Support/Maintenance/Alimony