Contact Details
QEB Chambers
Queen Elizabeth Building
- + 44 20 7797 7837
- + 44 20 7353 5422
- c.batt@qeb.co.uk
- www.qeb.co.uk
"Called to the Bar in 2003. Family Law practitioner specialising in matters relating to jurisdiction, finance, cohabitation, and children cases, with the main focus being on matrimonial finance. Has a keen interest in cases with a foreign, or international element. Consistently ranked in Chambers UK Bar Directory for Matrimonial Finance, and has been described as "a tour de force", ""tenacious, fantastic on the detail…", ""... a very strong advocate, who is not intimidated by the opposition even if they're a lot more senior to her"."
Languages Spoken: English, Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu & Spanish
Practice Areas: Appeals, Arbitration, Child Custody/Residence/Visitation/Contact, Child Support, Cohabitation, Divorce, Domestic Abuse/Violence/Protection Orders, Emergency Procedures/Injunctions, Enforcement: Child Custody, Enforcement: Child Support, Enforcement: Property Division, Enforcement: Spousal Support, Finance: Capital Provision, Finance: Insolvency, Finance: Pensions/Superannuation/Retirement and Employment Benefits, Finance: Property Issues, Finance: Trusts, Modification/Variation: Child Custody, Modification/Variation: Child Support, Modification/Variation: Property Division, Modification/Variation: Spousal Support, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Relocation/Removal from Jurisdiction, Same Sex Partnerships, Spousal Support/Maintenance/Alimony