Contact Details
Law Offices of Abbas Hadjian, APC
16130 Ventura Blvd., Suite 650
- + 1 (818) 783-3330
- + 1 (800) 207-3330
- + 1 (818) 783-3408
- a.hadjian@abbashadjian.com
- https://abbashadjian.com
Abbas Hadjian is a bi-lingual (Farsi & English) American expert in Iran mahr, Iranian documents and Civil Law and Procedure. He provides expert testimony in U.S. court cases involving marriage, mahr, and property in Iran. He shares articles about Iran mahr cases from around the U.S. on https://dowry-mahr.com. A partial list of his expert testimonies are listed on his main website. Mr. Hadjian graduated from Tehran Uni. (BA-66), Harvard Uni. (MPA-76) and La Verne Uni. (J.D.-86). He was admitted to the California State Bar in 1988 and became a California Certified Family Law Specialist in 2010. Mr. Hadjian’s research study on the Islamic alimony and child custody and support is published in many media including the IAFL. His annual California Seminar "Cultural Competency in Family Practice"was attended by more than 1,000 Family Law Jurists and attorneys: https://culturalcompetencyinfamilypractice.com. Mr. Hadjian is President of the S.Ca. Family Law American Inn of Court; Vice-President of the Ca. Charitable Foundation, Association of Certified Family Law Specialists, and Officer (Secretary) of the Family Law Executive Committee, the Los Angeles County Bar Association. He has been a member of the Executive Committee, the State Bar of California and president of the Iranian American Lawyers Association (California).Languages Spoken: English, Farsi and Arabic (basis reading)
Practice Areas: Child Support, Divorce, Finance: Property Issues, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Spousal Support/Maintenance/Alimony
US Counties: Los Angeles, Orange County, Ventura