Simon Calhaem

Contact Details

29 Bedford Row

29 Bedford Row


Called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1999 (and ad-hoc in the Cayman Islands and Gibraltar) Simon is a Barrister and Mediator. Simon specialises in complex high value financial work, including matrimonial finance, inheritance claims, probate and Court of Protection work as well as civil disputes between family members, trusts claims and civil enforcement. He provides advocacy and advisory services in England and Wales, Gibraltar, Jersey, the Cayman Islands and further afield. Simon has represented clients in the lower courts and in the Courts of Appeal of England, Jersey and the Cayman Islands, the Supreme Court and the Privy Council. He has reported cases in every division of the High Court of England and Wales.

Languages Spoken: English

Practice Areas: Appeals, Arbitration, Child Custody/Residence/Visitation/Contact, Cohabitation, Divorce, Emergency Procedures/Injunctions, Enforcement: Child Support, Enforcement: Property Division, Enforcement: Spousal Support, Finance: Capital Provision, Finance: Insolvency, Finance: Pensions/Superannuation/Retirement and Employment Benefits, Finance: Property Issues, Finance: Taxation, Finance: Trusts, Mediation, Modification/Variation: Child Support, Modification/Variation: Property Division, Modification/Variation: Spousal Support, Parentage/Paternity, Pre-nuptial/Post-nuptial Agreements, Relocation/Removal from Jurisdiction, Same Sex Partnerships, Spousal Support/Maintenance/Alimony

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