Tribute to Anne-Marie Hutchinson
Posted: 9 Oct 2020 by Marlene Eskind Moses

She was a family law legend and a true hero.
Filled with bravery, guts and a willingness to go
To remote areas of the world to rescue those in need
She was a warrior and a knight in shining armor indeed.
She was slight in size and short in height
But a giant in recoveries even in the night.
For the many abducted and forced to marry
She swept in and took over like a guardian fairy.
To right the wrongs and atrocities in country after country
So the enslaved women and captured children could be set free.
She helped people who needed assistance to have children born
With ART and surrogacy their hearts were adorn
With the opportunity to be parents which they could not have been
Without the able assistance of their dear friend.
In court, at the Hague, in councils and committees
She was the super-star member who held the keys
To get things accomplished in the very best way
She used her skills, knowledge and determination every day.
To the IAFL she was a teacher, companion and a true mentor
A dear colleague, a giving person who could open a door
For young lawyers she paved the way to their success,
As she exemplified for them how to give their best.
We miss you and are so sorry you cannot be by our side
As we take on your world both far and wide.
We love and cherish you and know you will find
Eternal peace and bliss as you were always so kind.
So now dear Anne-Marie you can finally rest
Knowing that you will be remembered as one of the best.
Much love, Marlene